Monday, October 24, 2011


 1) It is extremely important to have some educate in computer class ,because there is some specific rules you have to follow.
 2) In order to have the privilege to be allowed to use the computer you have e to have a  good conduct.
 3)You have to be courtesy to year in order for them to treat you with respect.

 4) Flame are an unfortunate but invisible ,yet there can be lots of conflict because of the searing e-mail or news group.
 5) it is scary how there is many people being trolls
 6) There can be many anonymous in the world ,and they are unknown .

 7) As she was explaining to me the design cycle she was using all these emoticon to express herself ,and make everythimg so much more vivid.

 8)Its a little to obvious she was trying to hide something.
 9)That lady was getting so mad at me in a harsh tone.

 10) The SMS is really helpful because it manages PCs to connected to a local area network.

 11) To me that sound really ethical an and reasonable.
 12) That was unethical ,and really it a behavior that is not illegal.
 13)She  has every right to do that its practically legal.
 14)  I like Boolean search because it allows me to search combined key words.
 15) The URL expresses the global address of documents ,and other resources.

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