Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This impacts my friends and me in so many ways  for the future footprints for example we wiil get paid less the amount of money we are supposed to make. Thats not fair because some opeople in other countries are way more advanced then us ,and there is no reason for this. An appropriate digital footprint can be something such as cell phones , skyp ,and much more. Digital cummunication can also be taken to a whole knew level . When using digital cummunication is shold be used an a approproiate way because later on in college or in businesses.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Notes over the video

Facebook show all your information you use digital communication is text messaging Facebook video . The use of connection has gone to another level most of the people most of the people talk on the phone while driving ,and that leeds to dangerous habits because you may not be aware of your surroundings. I also learned that face book has many violates according to the video . I thought they were extremely funny. My favorite was Facebook violation number two were  you should not post pictures of you other friends . I can relate to that. Many people do not use the proper use of communication only because they are not informed by it.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Daily Report

So far i can say i am doing a fair job ,but iv been working on  how i'm going to make my performance with my partners ,and I was working on seeing if karla's Camera can instal videos on my mac. That way we can start making some progress. i have also been researching on what exactly is digital communication. I have been planing also on were exactly am I going to record all the seines that will take place in our video it is a bit complicated ,but Im getting there. Im very exited to start filming ,but its a lot of work so we'll see.
Digital Communication impacts my digital footprint because the world now revolves around electronics so it is important that people know how to use the telephone, computer, etc. If they don't then it can really affect the the learning. In this class period Odalys and i research topics that were good. We compared what video we could do using the topic, the best one that we had was digital communication. Then we went on Google and found 10 facts about digital communication. We found many interesting facts about how much cellphones are used now a days and we talked about effects that could be if we didn't now how to use them. 
  • 5.3 bln mobile subscribers.
  • between 500 million to 1 bln people will have access to the internet by 2015. 
  • text messages sent by U.S. citizens is around 110 billion 
  • 2.5 billion text messages are sent per day in the us
  • china does not use facebook
  • more than 100 million yahoo accounts were active in August 2011 
  •  355 million hotmail accounts were active in 2011
  • 175 million people log onto facebook everyday 
  • Facebook is translated in over 100 languages
<> .  


How does your topic impact your future digital footprint?  
You must post a complete paragraph explaining your progress today.  You should have a minimum
of 10 facts with numbers posted to your blog.  What do your peers need to know about your topic
to help them have an appropriate digital footprint 20 years from now?  FACT

Digital Access

  1. America Offline-  America Offline means that there is millions of Americans that do not have a daily bases access to the internet, in a world that now revolves around it. Also that if we had at least one bar of internet more than there would be more than a million jobs more.
  2. digital divideDigital Division means that there is a gap between the access that people get to internet and other communications.
  3. Unequal Access- Unequal access  to internet can impact your future because internet allows you to connect to other countries and history without ever going.
  4. Innovatorslack of internet access impact us as a country because it allows us to have communications to other countries to sometimes resolve conflicts so that there is no war.
  5. What are the options for better Access? the options for better access is to move or to contact the government.
  6. Explain the Final Recommendations? -the final recomendations are ways to have a voice in the say so of the internet access.
  7. What could be done to increase internet access and create more choices for communities nationwide? I believe the people should have more voice in their government systems and should demand equal access through out the world. 
  8. What actions need to be taken to keep the internet open for users and innovators? more people should be taught how to use the internet and showed have more computers in other much poorer countries. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

1. What issue/topic did you choose?
 I choose to do Digital Communication
2. Why is it important?
 Digital Communication is important, because not everyone has access to a computer ,internet ,or cell phones. That is a problem because we need that so life can be more efficient.
3. Who did you want to research?(target audience) 
My target audience is practically students.
4. What is the behavior your looking to change?
 I want to change that fact that most people don't have digital communication ,and im going to demonstrate how important it is to the society
5. Why doesn’t the audience already engage in this behavior?
 The audience doesn't engage in this behavior, because they are not being informed 
6. What emotional appeal can you make?
 The emotional appeal would be through facts.
7. Belonging; Power/Control; Fun: Safety; The belonging would be Control, because if they don't know they can't control it.
8. Put your audience in a situation/scenario where the issue would come up in their livesWhat would happen if they wouldn't have access to internet.
If they didn't have internet simple thing like researching or studying may become to a complication. 
9. Where are they? (setting) 
It happens all over the world.
10. Who is there? (characters) 
All the people.
11. What’s’ going on around them?  ( ambient sound)
 They don't have the access to a computer or internet so they are not able to communicate.
12What are they saying? (dialogue) 
People every were have lack of communication 
13Who is message brought to you by? ( Station; organization) 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Digital citizenship

1.            Digital Access- full electronic participation in society
2.            Digital Commerce-the buying and selling of goods online
3.            Digital Communication-the electronic exchange of information
4.            Digital Literacy-the capability to use digital technology and knowing when and how to use it
5.            Digital Etiquette-the standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users
6.            Digital Rights and responsibilities-the privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users, and the behavioural expectations that come with them
7.            Digital Health and Wellness-the elements of physical and psychological well-being related to digital technology use
8.            Digital Law-the legal rights and restrictions governing technology use
9.            Digital Security- the precautions that all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safety and the security of their network

Monday, October 24, 2011


 1) It is extremely important to have some educate in computer class ,because there is some specific rules you have to follow.
 2) In order to have the privilege to be allowed to use the computer you have e to have a  good conduct.
 3)You have to be courtesy to year in order for them to treat you with respect.

 4) Flame are an unfortunate but invisible ,yet there can be lots of conflict because of the searing e-mail or news group.
 5) it is scary how there is many people being trolls
 6) There can be many anonymous in the world ,and they are unknown .

 7) As she was explaining to me the design cycle she was using all these emoticon to express herself ,and make everythimg so much more vivid.

 8)Its a little to obvious she was trying to hide something.
 9)That lady was getting so mad at me in a harsh tone.

 10) The SMS is really helpful because it manages PCs to connected to a local area network.

 11) To me that sound really ethical an and reasonable.
 12) That was unethical ,and really it a behavior that is not illegal.
 13)She  has every right to do that its practically legal.
 14)  I like Boolean search because it allows me to search combined key words.
 15) The URL expresses the global address of documents ,and other resources.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rational towards myself

Over all i believe i did a fair job I'm very sad because i think that my first video that got deleted was way better ,and i had to do this last one very quick ,because it was due ,but i hope you liked it,and as you can see i am a realm critic to my performance. Only because i know that i can do way better then that. 
Investigate- On total on a scale of 1-6, I would rate myself on this a 5 because I did identify the problem as best as i can.Only because the typing information was limited ,but i say i could have done much better. Also besides that in the video the animate character said it to fast ,so I'm not sure if people can catch that information in that instant.
Plan- The same idea goes to my plan section , and i would rate myself a 4 in this selection ,because i was not as specific as i was supposed to be. i see the potential in myself ,and i know that i could have done a way better performance in this section
Create- My explanation to create was  good,so because of that i would say i deserve a 5 in this criteria. I believe that this the animation character was not that bad at explaining the the create.
Evaluate- my evaluation was extremely quick. This part i was confused about ,because i really didn't know how to explain the evaluate part of this project.Therefore i whould rate myself a 3 .  To me there was not really an explanation to evaluate ,but once i got to see my project once ore i believe i didn't do half bad. As i said before i know i could have been better . In my first project that sadly it got deleted by accident explained the following processes way better, but i was not fortunate to do it like my first project. Because the project was due that day.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

1. How can my learning serve my community?
         My learning in the community is undefined there is so many ways you can help the community. One example can be helping out the cause of globule Warming.

2. How can your future projects become better?
        My future projects can become better by taking my time on deciding what i am going to do. For example to take my time and look for any possible options there are. I didnt pay much attention to that so i picked the very first options that came up to my mind.

3. What have you learned about yourself and what you will continue to do or not do and why?
        I have learned that i am acually not that bad at mac computers ,but im getting the hang of them ever scince i spend more time useing them at my house. I also learned that animation is not as hard as i though. 

4. How do you feel about your final product? What would you rate yourself on the Rubric scale of 1-6 for each part of the Assessment Criterion?
       I believe that  my project was a success though the students could of done better because my "experiment" was deleted about 3 times. I would rate my self a 6 because I put a lot of effort into it. I took my time reviewed my notes and the class webs. the students seemed to really understand all the concepts and the information behind the pictures, though they were rushed and made careless mistakes. I over all enjoyed doing this project because it will only make my world a better place.

5. What would you do differently in regards to your planning and execution of your plan?
      In my execution I would probably have had added a lot more details and a lot more color so the sixth graders could have learned more. I would have made every caption at least a paragraph long. The pictures more like a collage so there would of been more verity so the student could of seen more examples. In over all I think I did pretty good considering that it was a last minute change.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Name: __________________
Homeroom Teacher:___________________
 QUIZ!!! :)

Directions : Choose ,and bubble in the correct answer. This quiz is based on the video each Question is worth 10 points in the bottom please write what you thought about the video.

1) What are steps of the Design Cycle Called  ?
       A.  Investigate , Brainstorm , Create , Evaluate ,Grade
       B.Investigate , Plan ,Create, Evaluate
       C. Research, Plan, Create ,Revise,  Evaluate
       D. Plan your idea , Make your product, Evaluate your product or solution.

2)How many steps are there in the Design cycle?
      A. 3
      B. 4
      C. 5
3) What is the first step to the design Cycle?
4)What is the last step to the Design Cycle ?
     A. Plan
     D. Investigate
5)What happens in the Create Stage?
     A.Make the product
     B.Look for information About the product.
     C.Find comparisons
     D.Evaluate your product
6)What comes before making the product?
     D. Evaluate
7)What do you do in the Evaluation ?
    A.Make your product
    B.Work on the Format
    C.Your product is completed and you classify it
    D.Test your product
8)What  is the purpose or the use of the design cycle?
    A.Entertain readers or anybody who is involved in the product you create
    B.persuade people (do to what your topic is about)
    C.learn how to do something
    D.Breaking down the steps for an excellent for a product to be made
9)What is after the process Investigate
10)When can you use the Design Cycle?
   A. In a project
   B. In an experiment
   C.Both A and B

Any comments you want to leave? ( Optional) : ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

            Today i worked on the questions we had to make for the six graders i had decided to make it multiple choice that way it can be more efficient for many kids. I have listed ten questions with the exception for the last one ,and have made choices for the six graders to choose from. Then the last Question was just for me to reflect on ,and it was off course optional

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

End Product

This is my Final Product. Enjoy!

            I really liked my final product ,because it seemed to me that it was more officiant ,and better to understand.  Compared to my first option witch was Domo animate i am glad i decided to go with the Go animate. I'm glad i finally got this through because i had a few problems going through Go Animate. Only because i finished my product ,but then sadly it had all erased. Luckily i remembered what i had typed then instantly i got started for the second time ,and i got to finish on time. What i also did not like about the Go Animate is that you had to pay for the best scenes and characters. You also had to pay if you wanted more the 10 conversation bubbles , so the little cartoon characters can talk more.

Friday, October 7, 2011


My progress 

         Right Know I'm doing a fair job ,but I'm not really satisfied with my progress ,and my video I'm not sure if i should change it up or keep the same one. Due to time and for the six graders to understand what exactly is the Design Cycle. At the moment in a bit confused on my work ,and I'm not really sure on how my product is going to turn out at the end. I might change it for Go Animate. Only because its more officiant

Monday, October 3, 2011


My project total is 4500 minuets. Divided by 60 that is about 75 hours or about 3 days. Now I can plan how I will use each day from now until OCTOBER 11 to complete my project.
(September 30) Day 1: 1440 minuets - Create the website layout/design.
(October 1) Day 2: 1440 minuets - Get the information for the website
(October 2) Day 3: 1440 minuets - Add finishing details
(October 3) Day 4: 60 minuets - Find test subjects
(October 4) Day 4: 60 minuets - Test the subjects
(October 5) Day 5: 60 minuets - Evaluation 

          This graph shows to me my time management and i really help me to know on how I'm am going to do all the parts ,so that my video can be done. As i was doing this i had some difficulty on doing it because i could not enter to my schoolalgy ,but then i got some help ,and they gave me a pin drive. That allowed me to get the software to put my data in. Overall this really impresses me ,and i will work really hard to get everything finished on time . 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


         As to my reflection over my investigation was fair i believe that my investigation was good. I worked really hard on it ,and it got to the point. I explained everything in a way that made my explanation great to comprehend. I was lacking information , but i am working on that. Therefore i would rate myself a 3-4 . All though i am not satisfied with that i will try to be adding as much information i can as possible. I have been analyzing all my data ,and i feel confident that my data will end up as a good performance.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


 Go Animate 
measurement    Score 1-5
Themes                 5
Kinesthetic            5
layout                    4
Simplicity               4
total                     18 
In general I was very satisfied with the two choices I made to help out the six graders understand what exactly was the design cycle. That was the Go Animate, and the Domo Animate. They are very student friendly, and extremely easy to you. That is the reason I like about using this software. The following program maybe excellent for many 6th graders knowledge, but it as well has its negative aspects. The first program I will evaluate is the Domo Animate which was one of my favorite options to use, so far it has been the best only because it’s accessible. All though Go Animate is Petty fun to use ass well.
         Not only is it easy but it’s a very favorable option. It is actually like making a cartoon drawings in real life, but instead it’s digitalized. As you can see in many people have used the Domo Animate format in their own style by performing their main point or idea. For example in my case I will use it explain the design cycle. In fact it authorizes the creator to use this however you like. This app is commendable of its popularity among copious users, because of its excellencies.         The topic choice is immeasurable. Therefore the people that are using this software are the ones that choose every single detail in this Animation process . In the other hand Go Animate does not give you much freedom to do what you want. That’s why my preference is the  Domo Animate I am not cretin if I’m going to add any music choices,but their is a high possibility i am going to. Although adding any type of back round music is extremely  manageable. You have a board with character choices, background settings, music, and possibly any props. This program has a lot of options for the creator to choose. Know it may sound complicated , but believe me its extremely simple. How it sounds is how it is, and you will not be disappointed. The Only reason some people would not like is because its a bit time consuming depending on how long you want your animations. That why i believe its very important for me to mange time.

    Go Animate
Measurement  Score !-5
    Themes           4
    Kinesthetic      5
    layout              5
    Simplicity         3 
     total              18
         Then you have the Go Animate. Which is not as magnificent as the Domo Animate, but it is still a useful program. Even though I would have to say it may be a bit puzzling. It is still pretty simple like the Domo animate . Although I may recommend the Domo Animate more just ,because it has more option to use. The Go animate may be a more complicated program, but it may look more professional as you can say. I was looking for something that comes out of you not something that in a way can control you. The program of the Go animate has virility of limitations, and the music was not the type I wanted, so that gave it a thumbs down for me. You can’t express your imagination and intelligence if it’s going to limit you. One thing that was mocking me was that i didn't find a way to save your work ,so be aware of that ,because it can become extremely frustrating if you worked on something for to long ,then it all goes to a waste.

In conclusion I have found two similar like programs, and have my preference. As you can see in some aspects they maybe the same, but they each have their own purposes on why they were made. All I ask is to analyze which one suits you the best.  These two have their own way of expressing and explaining their own ideas. The Go Animate is very professional ,but tends to have its own negative aspects .Then the Domo animate is much more complicated too handle, but is fun to use ,and has more options to choose from. It’s up to you if you want a challenge then Domo Animate is for you, but if you like being professional then I would choose the Go Animate.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I would like to do a flip book. I will need to do some pictures explain how the design cycle is used. Showing the steps of the design cycle. I started of by getting on the main page were it showed me the flip book page. I really got convinced seeing all the animations and picture. I belive that if it helped me learn ,then it will most definetly help the sixth grade. Then i saw different options. One of them was the comic books. In a way it is similler ,but it seemed to me that the flip book was more exiting.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Design Cycle

Area of Interaction: Community and Service , Approaches to Learning & Human Ingenuity
Significant Concept: Design Cycle can be used to solve problems
Unit Question: How can my learning help my community? How do I make Sound Choices?
INVESTIGATE: (Write in complete sentences) Identify the Problem
1.    What is the problem you need to solve?
We need to explain to the 6th graders on how to use the design cycle.
2.    How does the Design Cycle apply to the real world?
We will need to follow this even in college ,but besides that you future job.
3.    How will this project serve my community?
This will help my community by improving ,and understanding  how to do projects ,and work.
4.    How can my learning help my community?
By helping and improving the society ,and understanding everything.
5.    How do we live in relation to each other?
We  probably have the same learning skills .
6.    How does this help others?
It is easier is understand ,and do things right.
7.    What are the requirements for this assignment?
To make the design cycle much easier to understand.
8.    What is the Design Cycle?
The design cycle is steps you have to follow.
iiSteps to follow to make everything easier.
REFLECT on your learning.
Day 2
9. Spend one day experimenting with DESIGN CYCLE your presentation. List five things your learned about the Design Cycle:
I learned that i am understanding the steps more on what im supposed to do.
Day 3
Design Brief
10. Write a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it.
Formulate a Design Specification
11. What are the requirements for this assignment?
12. What are the limitations you have with this assignment?
13. How will you "test" your presentation?
14. Brainstorm ideas. Use the chart below
IB Brainstorming Chart .pdf found in schoology under “materials”& then files
15. What idea did you choose to demonstrate the design cycle and why did you choose it?
16. Does your idea meet all of the requirements?
17. Use the story board paper below to plan your presentation.  Include how many levels you will have, what will be on each level, how will you include teaching skills to young students, and what will your questions be about.
story board.pdf found in schoology under “materials” & then files.
18. Explain how you will use your time to get your project finished in 12 days:
REFLECT on your learning
20. How could you improve your presentation?
21. Does your presentation meet all of the requirements?
22. Share your presentation with at least 2-8th, 3-9th, 4-10th+ friends. What did he/she like about your presentation?
23. Reflect on all the steps of the Design Cycle. What did you do well? What do you need to improve?
24. Were you responsible in using the software, Internet, pictures, and computer?
25. How can my learning help my community?
26. What grade do you deserve on this project? (1 - 6)

27. Reflect on your attitude on each step of the Design Cycle. Did you completely answer each step without complaining, being a whiny baby, or saying "it's too hard". Explain your answer:
28. What grade do you deserve on your attitude? (1 - 6)